Author: Charity

How the Enneagram Affects Motherhood – Type 3, 7 & 9 (2nd round of Mama’s)

Ok…I’m feeling a little sad here, its our final group of Mama’s sharing today about how the Enneagram has impacted their Motherhood journey. Its been such a privilege to get to hear from such incredible Mama’s and writers. My biggest prayer for the readers of this series, is that you walk away feeling encouraged and […]

How the Enneagram Impacts your Motherhood – Types 4, 6 & 8 (Second Round of Mama’s Sharing)

Hey Friends! I hope your April is off to an amazing start. Its hard to believe that we are almost at the end of this incredible Enneagram and Motherhood series. My favorite part has honestly been just learning about other Mama’s who have different numbers than I do. Its fun to see the things that […]

How Your Enneagram Number Affects your Mothering, Type 3, 6 & 9

Hey Friends! If you’re just joining us for this series, you are definitely going to want to Check out the first 2 posts in this series: Part 1: Type 1, 2 & 5 Part 2: Type 4, 7 & 8 Are we connected on Instagram? I would love for you to join our @claritywithcharity community […]

How Your Enneagram Number Impacts your Mothering, Type 4, Type 8, Type 7

Happy Monday! Today we continue with the second round of Mamas sharing about how knowing their Enneagram number has transformed their role as a Mama. So many of you have connected with this series, and I am praying daily that every person who reads this series will be filled with wisdom, hope and joy in […]

How Your Enneagram Number Impacts your Mothering – Type 1, Type 2, Type 5

Happy Monday Friends! Today we start an exciting series all about how YOUR Enneagram Number Impacts your Mothering. Over the next few weeks I will be hosting an incredible group of writers and Momma’s whose personal knowledge of the enneagram has helped them overcome obstacles in motherhood and provided them hope and encouragement for the […]