Author: admin

Advent Week 2: Bethlehem

Happy Monday Friends, I am so glad you are back for week 2 of this Advent series. *****If you prefer to LISTEN to this email devotional, CLICK HERE**************  You may notice this is on an app, called Anchor.  The podcast version of this devotional is also available on Apple podcasts, and Spotify, but apparently Apple is experiencing […]

You’re Invited, Advent Week 1

You’re Invited… Advent Week 1:  Prophecy*****If you would prefer to LISTEN to this devotional CLICK HERE!******Happy Monday Friends! I hope y’all had an amazing Thanksgiving.  If you’re anything like me, the Monday after a holiday is the hardest to get back to “normal” life….i.e.  no pumpkin pie for breakfast…ha..ha… This Christmas season, I will be posting anAdvent devotional […]

Safe Summer Skin for Mama and Kiddos

Hey Friends! It’s that time of year when the inside of my backpack starts to look like an advertisement for Sunscreen companies. Here in TX sunscreen season is really year round, but come April when my solution to most tantrums, sibling bickering and bad moods is “Let’s go outside!” I become pretty intense about all […]

Simple Way to Teach your Kids to Pray.

Hey Friends, I don’t know about you but the one Christmas item I used to keep up all year round was Christmas cards. I would hate to take down all the beautiful faces of friends and family and so my fridge would become obnoxiously overwhelmed with cards and I was always picking up knocked off […]

Advent Devotional, Week 4: The Christ Child

Happy Christmas Eve Friends, This is the last of our Advent Devotional Series:  Hope is Here!  If you missed the first 3 weeks, you can find them here: Week One:  The Prophets Week Two:  Bethlehem Week Three:  The Shepherds. Have you ever noticed that all great things start small? A mighty oak stands strong, a […]

Are you believing lies about yourself? Plus a Free Printable!!!!

Hey Friends! Lots of fun stuff to share with you this morn! I am sharing over at Fiercely His today, here’s a sneak peak.. “The voices from our childhood and who we listen to now have a powerful impact over what we believe about ourselves and the world around us. Maybe a father ignored you. […]

Advent Week 2: Bethlehem

   If you missed Week 1:  The Prophets, of this Advent Devotional Series, you can READ IT HERE.   Want the next 2 weeks delivered piping hot to your virtual oven?…err I mean inbox…SIGN UP HERE   Ever felt like you have nothing left to give?  That feeling always tends to wash over me when […]