Category: Prayer

Simple Way to Teach your Kids to Pray.

Hey Friends, I don’t know about you but the one Christmas item I used to keep up all year round was Christmas cards. I would hate to take down all the beautiful faces of friends and family and so my fridge would become obnoxiously overwhelmed with cards and I was always picking up knocked off […]

Advent Week 2: Bethlehem

   If you missed Week 1:  The Prophets, of this Advent Devotional Series, you can READ IT HERE.   Want the next 2 weeks delivered piping hot to your virtual oven?…err I mean inbox…SIGN UP HERE   Ever felt like you have nothing left to give?  That feeling always tends to wash over me when […]

How to Have Time for Devotions as a Momma of Littles

Photo Cred:  Tabby Z Photography Happy Wednesday!!!!!  I missed connecting with y’all last week. I was “out of the office” and by Out I mean at my house with seven kids, seven and under. Six of them being boys. My brother and sis in law and their crew came to visit from out of state. […]