Hello Friends,
The countdown has begun! In 5 days, my hubby and I will celebrate our 1st Anniversary! I can’t believe we have almost been married one year. Does that mean we aren’t Newlyweds any more? I have always wondered what defines a couple as a “newlywed.” And if we are no longer “newlyweds,” are we “olderweds?”
With our first anniversary approaching, I have been reflecting on all the things the Lord has taught me through the beautiful and mysterious gift of marriage.
Today, my reflection is a story of an unusual way the Lord convicted my heart during a “discussion” (we don’t argue we discuss…ha…ha!) my husband and I had.
It was a gorgeous day at the beach. I was looking forward to some quality time with my husband and turning my pasty complexion into bronzed perfection.
We had been there for maybe 15 minutes when my husband said something that hurt my feelings. I knew it shouldn’t have, but the longer I thought about his comment the more and more mad I became.
In my mind the beach trip was ruined…and of course the lengthy “discussion” that followed didn’t ease my angry emotions.
We came to a point in the “discussion” where I knew I should let it go, apologize for my horrible attitude and move on. But I didn’t want to.
“Why should I be the first to apologize?” I rationalized in my head.
“He started it, He shouldn’t have said that”
So I sat on my towel….
I had a pout on my lips and my eyes squinted with self righteous disdain, like a 2 year old who can’t eat their cookie before dinner.
Somewhere in the middle of my internal monologue about how “He should apologize first” I felt a slimy and gritty substance splat on my shoulder.
As I glanced down to see what it was I felt 2 more splats on my upper arm and…yewwwww…my stomach!!!!! It was white, filthy and stinky sea gull poop…
And it was all over me!!!!!!!!!!
I started laughing…then screaming…then running to the water…
My husband helped me wash off the poop in the ocean. I wondered if salt water could kill the bacteria that had been living in that poop.
Our beach day was over…as if the “discussion” hadn’t killed the easy summer living mood, the seagull poop certainly had.
I raced towards our car with one thought in my head..
Get me to our shower and my soap ASAP!
In the 20 minutes drive home…I found myself laughing again as I thought about the events of the day.
– Husband makes comment.
– I take huge offense (although I knew his comment was not in any way meant to be offensive or hurtful)
– I harbor my offense
– I pout
– I refuse to apologize
– I get pooped on…3 times in a row.
“Babe”, I said, my heart humbled and softened after the previous 45 minutes…
“I think God is trying to tell me something.”
“What?” He asked…
“Stop having a POOPY attitude!”
We both laughed as I apologized for having a poopy attitude and ruining our beach trip.
Marriage, is a lot like that fateful beach day. We can believe the worst about each other or the best. We can hold on to offense and refuse to apologize or we can repent, forgive and move on.
We can find the fault in our spouse…while not realizing that the fault may be in us.
Until your folly is revealed to you by a pooping sea gull…
p.s. I was pooped on one other time this summer by a sea gull at the beach…this time it was witnessed by a group of friends. I am happy to report that I was not having a “poopy” attitude that day….
Any other “newlyweds” or “olderweds” out there? What has God taught you during your beginning years of marriage?
Hi Miss Charity,
Happy Anniversery to you and Rene. In answer to your question, I’d say you are on your way to becoming “Maturely Weds”. 🙂 You’ll know you have arrived when you look in the mirror and suddenly, overnight, you are all wrinkled and in need of a good ironing. Remind me to share my goose poop story with you sometime.
I really like that term “maturely weds” much more sophisticated than “older weds.” The goose poop story sounds great, I can’t wait to hear it!
Yay happy anniversary! The exact story you just told has manifested itself in Juan and I’s marriage as well! Oh the attitudes we can cop….I love the moments when we’re both at a standstill…both refusing to apologize…and then, in an attempt to continue the refusing to apologizeness someone makes a face or says something that’s just plain silly when you really stop to think about it. And then the both of you just burst out laughing, hug, say your sorry, and move on with your day. It’s like, “Okay…clearly this topic was not worth arguing about in the first place.” lol
Ha! Ha! I got a good laugh imagining you and Juan making silly faces at each other in the middle of an argument…I may have to try that tactic next time!
Happy anniversary friend! Crazy timing, because I just posted earlier today about a lesson learned my first year of marriage. Summed up: If there is an area of my life I am struggling with submitting over to my husband, it most likely reflects my lack of submission to the Lord in the same area. Feel free to read the post at http://www.simplytrying.com Keep up the encouraging posts!
That’s so cool Amanda! I read your blog post, thanks for sharing. I love how we can be an encouragement as wives to submit to the Lord and our husbands!
Happy anniversary Charity-face! I can’t believe it’s almost been 1 year! This was such a cute story–it totally made me chuckle!
I know I can’t believe it either Stephie – Face!
Happy anniversary! What a funny story!! So glad I found you through All Glorious Within’s blog!
Elle at elle-alice.blogspot.com
Hi Elle! So glad you found me as well =) Thanks for reading!
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